039 | Us & Kids: D is for Divorce

Inspiration from this Episode

“And what's supposed to have been built in its place while they dissipate is really good emotional bonding.”

“By using really good listening skills, along with saying what they knew was going on emotionally, they bonded and connected in even better and stronger ways."

“They wanted their compassion and care and empathy to be able to help them through the rough spots.”


039 | Us & Kids: D is for Divorce



On today’s show we are talking about the D seed of divorce. When does this snarly seed get planted - and how can we weed it out before it overtakes our thoughts, reactions and relationships. The Divorce seed does not need to stay. Take a few minutes to learn how to pull it out and keep your marriage steady, strong and safe.

This is exactly the reason why I developed Us and Kids and the DNA for Fun communications course. The seeds are planted, often in those first few years of parenting, and...

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036 | Us & Kids: Uncertainty Can Make us Crazy

Inspiration from this Episode

“He knew that the best thing he could do for me was listen, without many words.”

“How can I help you? And that question, may not have an answer, like I don't really have an answer for him, but it means I'm in it with you.”

“I understand you can't control everything and move forward based on what you can know and do as you move forward.”


036 | Us & Kids: Uncertainty Can Make us Crazy



On today’s show, let’s be certain about what we’re talking about - uncertainty. There is so much going on and changing everyday in our homes, our hearts and our relationships. We are told one thing and then what feels like almost instantly that answer changes. 

Do we just have to sit and spin in circles because nothing's for sure? Or is there a way to keep ourselves calm and keep on track? When we take the time to understand that we can’t control everything, it helps us regain...

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034 | Us & Kids: Velcro & Marriage - Cleaning Up Marriage Love

Inspiration from this Episode

“It's blocking you from getting other people's warm fuzzies and saying that those things from those people are genuine.”

“Your fear that they will disappear sort of like the people that helped you in the past limits you from really attaching nicely.”

“They have something to tell you about your past and they could also tell you something about the future.”


034 | Us & Kids: Velcro and Marriage: Cleaning Up Marriage Love



On today’s show, we're going to talk about Velcro and about staying connected. So I have a question. Do you think your home life can just naturally get better without any outside support? I know that you keep on trying this thing and then that thing and there are two steps forward and there's one step back.

Each time we know you're trying to improve the connections with your kiddos and your spouse and often it can just feel like a moving target. I hope that for the...

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033 | Us & Kids: How to Feel Loved While Sitting on the Couch

Inspiration from this Episode

“So in these extended days of staying at home, this need for oxytocin release is even higher.”

“Sit still and listen to what they might say because their little minds are working and growing millions of neurons still every day.”

“When we sense that we are going this alone our tendency can be to pull back from other people.” 


033 | Us & Kids: How to Feel Loved While Sitting on the Couch



On today’s show, we are talking about couches, couples and connecting. After a long day at work or maybe endless hours together at home, it can feel easy to grab your phone and sit down next to each other on the couch. This time is better than nothing, right? Or could these little actions be doing more harm than good?

If we create habits like these in our everyday lives they might become a crutch for us to turn to instead of our spouse in times when we need real emotional support. We don’t...

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032 | Us and Kids: Dismiss Depression, Negative Nonsense and Anxiety

Inspiration from this Episode

“We do have an impact if we pay attention to the long game and say, this is what I'm deciding.”

“Do you want the mess to create higher anxiety or do you want it to create lower anxiety?”

“Remember to be grateful, to think positive and content thoughts.”


032 | Us & Kids: Dismiss Depression, Negative Nonsense and Anxiety



On today’s show, we are going to be keeping up with topics that are timely with everything going on. We are talking about what is happening in your home, with what is working or not working to keep those relationships together when we are all together so very much. It’s easy for strong overwhelming emotions to take over us during this time. 

Some of our worries and our anxiety can be taken on by our partners and kiddos if we’re not careful. One of the best ways we can become more aware of our feelings and struggles is to write down, on paper, all the...

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031 | Us & Kids: What the T? Get What You Need Without Yelling

Inspiration from this Episode

“Do you have fun with people you don't trust or are you always a little on the edge?”

“When you do things together, you share the time.”

“It becomes more solid or steady so that where you want to go as a family and as a couple is actually dependable.”


031 | Us & Kids: What the T?



On today’s show, we are going to be discussing things that are affecting the entire world right now. In times of crisis and uncertainty, it can be easy for us to get ourselves worked up and use certain slang out of fear. I am going to talk all about the “T” words you can use to replace a not so friendly “F” word in our “What the ____” sentences. 

There are things we can do during this time to be intentional with our spouse's family while we are in such close quarters. It can be easy to get on each other's nerves if we’re not careful so if we can keep these...

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030 | Us & Kids: You Had Me at Hello - Falling in Love, Not into Anxiety

Inspiration from this Episode

“What's more dangerous for you when your heart is full of anxiety or when your heart is full of love?”

“It is a very, very powerful tool in terms of avoiding the blackness that anxiety can bring into a household”

“Maybe one of you thinks this is awesome and one of you thinks this is awful, but both are real for both of you.”


030 | Us & Kids: Falling in Love, Not into Anxiety



On today’s show, we are taking it back to the times and memories of when you and your partner first fell in love. What were those feelings like? What about them made your heart skip a beat? So many things in our lives can cause anxiety, especially with everything that is going on in the world right now.

If we take the time to reminisce on the things our partner did or the things about them we loved, those chemicals in our brain can help combat some of that anxiety. We might be trying to find a new normal right...

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029 | Us & Kids: Perspective, Childhood Beliefs, and Generating Change: Adults

Inspiration from this Episode

“We can feel like deer in the headlights. We're not making that adjustment so quickly.”

“It can become very tempting for us to take on the blame for things gone wrong.”

“How did your parents handle change? How did people that you admire handle change?”


029 | Us & Kids: Perspective, Childhood Beliefs, and Generating Change: Adults



On today’s show, we talk about all the changes that we have to make. How do we make them and stay an adult? Sometimes there are so many changes. They come at us so fast that just even the change of what's for supper can tip us over. We wonder how that can happen? Why can't I just stay self-composed for that little thing?

This shouldn't be such a big deal. Well, sometimes we have these thoughts, right that everything goes wrong. Even when we're adults, and it can be a fairly common thought when there are lots of big changes and we're not really sure about...

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028 | Us & Kids: Helping Kids Adjust to Life Changes

Inspiration from this Episode

“Their brains are much like ours in terms of, always gathering information, always trying to figure things out.”

“They have ways to act it, but no ways to say it.”

“Anything that's different for you, they probably are picking up in some ways.”


028 | Us & Kids: Helping Kids Adjust to Life Changes



On today’s show, we're going to talk about adjusting to life changes and what happens to our kids. We all know, life changes and usually not when we want it to. And, if we have littles, then life changes for them too. And, what might be a good change for mom and dad might seem like chaos and disconnections for our little ones.  

Every little milestone that our kiddos acheive or strive for often comes with a lot of hard times in their little minds. All of the things that come simply and easily to us are huge challenges that they face constantly. It takes about 3 months for a change...

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026 | Us & Kids: Taking Time for Ourselves and Our Spouse With a New Baby

Inspiration from this Episode

“Adjustment to a newborn is a big deal for our brains and our bodies.”

“They’re not trying to make your life miserable, they’re trying to figure it out too.”

“Don’t always talk about the baby. Talk about the future. Talk about real life plans.”


026 | Us & Kids: The Infant Between Us



On today’s show, this is going to be an interesting episode especially if you are a new parent. We are going to be talking about infancy and adding an infant to our lives and family. It’s not always an easy adjustment to bring a little one home. People like to think about all the great and fun things that come with a new baby arriving.

But we also have to remember that it's hard, it's tiring, and we usually don’t know what’s going on. We usually don’t really know how to care for this new being but we sure have to figure it out quickly. It can be very easy to...

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